Over the weekend First Class Autosports hosted an exclusive Porsche owners event focused around a fundraiser for the 2BCured foundation.

The 2BCured Charity was created with the goal of funding research to find a cure for GRIN2B, a Neurodevelopmental Disorder due to mutations in the GRIN2B Gene. This disorder causes a devastating condition that affects brain functions critical to learning and forming memories. In more severe cases it can render children completely dependent on their caregivers. Mutations of the GRIN2B gene have been linked to a multitude of other medical diseases such as cancer, epilepsy, autism and more. To learn more about the 2BCured foundation or to pledge a donation please click the link below.

In attendance of the event were some spectacular Porsches including but not limited to a 911R, GT3RS (996,997,991), GT2RS, GT4RS, Custom RWB Build, and many more rare Porsches. First Class Autosports prepared goodie bags for their VIP clients as well as envelopes including even more goodies and details for food and drink. Speaking of food and drink on site we had El Perreo, a food truck founded by an former First Class Autosports Employee. We are very grateful to the Pink Sand company for bringing their all new Seltzers to the event for our friends and family to enjoy - they were a hit! Everyone that tried them were saying wonders about the taste. We rearranged the shop to accommodate the event with 2 spectacular Porsches on display as well as a lounging area and a fully decorated setting.

Halfway through the event the Porsche Club of America rolled in as we were one of their final stops on their Poker Rally of over 50 Porsches that started all the way in West Palm Beach. The rally consisted of multiple stops where at each stop was a team handing out poker cards with designated questions related to which card they got. The answer to the questions were located somewhere inside the stop's venue. When Steve, one of the head organizers of PCA, arrived at the event the scavenger hunt was in full swing. A speech was given introducing First Class Autosports and presenting FCA with a prestigious shop award. Then Hugo from FCA explained al little bit about what we do and then introduced Claudia and Greg Arroyo from 2BCured. They gave a presentation explaining what GRIN2B is and what their foundation aims to achieve through fundraising at events like this Porsche event.

After the speeches we unveiled the prestigious and extremely rare 996 GT3RS that had been covered most of the event. The 996 GT3RS was never offered in the United States and was limited to a small quantity in Europe and Asia. This is actually a client's car whom we did a full project on restyling it from the red livery to the blue with new OEM wheels included. The attendees that donated money to the foundation were entered for a chance to receive a ride along in one of the three GT3RS cars we had as Demo cars and the 996 was one of them. Accompanied by the 997 and 991 GT3RS, all three gave attendees thrill rides around the block for a short period.

Once the ride-alongs had been completed the Porsche Club of America departed to their next stop of the rally. We are grateful to the Porsche Club of America Gold Coast Region for including First Class Autosports as a stop on their Rally for a second year in a row. Altogether the event was a massive success filled with laughter, good food, and even better company. Thank you to all of our Porsche clients and others who attended.
